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'严格遵循打铆靠边距离,力量,角度,速度,铆钉间距,2. 保证有适当涂胶,3. 当被铆件发生形变而不密贴时,谨慎处理' ~ 중 영어 번역: Strictly follow riveting edge distance, strength, angle, speed, rivet spacing,2. Ensure proper gluing,3. When the riveted parts are deformed and not tightly bonded, handle with caution.。
'海南启晨医疗服务有限公司' ~ 중 영어 번역: Hainan Qichen Medical Service Co., Ltd.。
'老板,,以下是关于西安西安国际中心的汇报:,拜访对象,西安国际中心采购总经理 袁总,1. 目前确定采购蛇牌的手术器械和灭菌盒,为了不影响医院的开业和手术的开展。需根据临床的需求,选出一部分基本的手术器械,以供科室应急所用。根据整体采购目录,已经选出部分手术器械(总金额约95万),从国内国药平台库存采购。目前已经在和国药沟通,确定是否库存满足所需。,2. 希望贝朗整合所有相关耗材,给出报价。耗材的供应,需要贝朗通过集中整合贝朗指定的2-3家配送商平台进行统一配送,尽量减少配送的渠道。同时配送商还能够进行临床服务的支持工作。,3. 针对耗材的报价,可接受当地阳光采购网或者公立医院价格基础上八折折扣的价格。同时,针对某些要求配送和备货门槛高的耗材,价格可适当上浮。,4. 尽快推进手术器械合同签订,希望能够在下周完成。' ~ 중 영어 번역: BossThe following is a report on Xi'an International Center:,Visitor, General Manager of Purchasing, Xi'an International Center, General Yuan,1. At present, the purchase of snake brand surgical instruments and sterilization boxes is determined in order not to affect the opening of hospitals and the development of operations. It is necessary to select some basic surgical instruments according to clinical needs for emergency use in departments. According to the overall purchasing catalogue, some surgical instruments (total amount is about 950,000) have been selected and purchased from the stock of domestic drug platforms. At present, we have been communicating with China Pharmaceuticals to determine whether the stock meets the requirements.,2. It is hoped that Belang will integrate all relevant consumables and make an offer. The supply of consumables needs to be centralized through the integration of 2-3 distributor platforms designated by Belang for unified distribution, so as to minimize the distribution channels. At the same time, distributors can also support clinical services.,3. For the quotation of consumables, a discount of 20% can be accepted on the basis of the local Sunshine Purchasing Network or the price of public hospitals. At the same time, for certain consumables requiring high thresholds for distribution and inventory, prices can rise appropriately.,4. Promote the signing of the surgical instrument contract as soon as possible, hoping to be completed next week.。
'请查收附件,手术器械申请的名称有问题。虽然是用于消化科和泌尿外科的手术器械,但是在我们公司申请系统中需要写成“基础手术器械,心胸外科手术器械' ~ 중 영어 번역: Please find the attachment. There is a problem with the name of the application for surgical instruments. Although it is used in digestive and urological surgery, we need to write "basic surgical instruments, cardiothoracic surgical instruments" in our application system.。
'目前收到同事反应,收到不明源头的发件人发送的邮件。声称是掌握了关键密码,要求你支付美元或比请查收附件,手术器械申请的名称有问题。虽然是用于消化科和泌尿外科的手术器械,但是在我们公司申请系统中需要写成“基础手术器械,心胸外科手术器械' ~ 중 영어 번역: At present, I have received a response from my colleagues and an email from an unknown sender. Claim that you have the key password, ask you to pay US dollars or check the attachment, the name of the application for surgical instruments is questionable. Although it is used in digestive and urological surgery, we need to write "basic surgical instruments, cardiothoracic surgical instruments" in our application system.。
26 개 언어 번역
26 개 언어 번역
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